Welcome to The Future of Combat

Marines fire the Weaponized Multi-Utility Tactical Transport Vehicle. (Photo: Cpl. Thor J. Larson/Marine Corps)                  This July, the USMC rolled out new PFT and CFT standards, intended to optimize the physical performance of a Marine. Tougher testing, harder combat and physical fitness regimens, and a new scoring system along with flexed BMI standards are all in place to [...]

Obama's Season Finale - Guantanamo Bay

Guantánamo Bay. Photograph: Joe Skipper/Reuters/CorbisAs President Obama nears the end of his final term, his mission to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay has become more and more important to his legacy as president. And it should – after all, he won a Nobel prize for just talking about foreign demilitarization, and he campaigned heavily on it [...]

USMC Goes To Rio 2016!

Second Lieutenant David Higgins shoots his rifle in the World Championships in Granada, Spain, in September 2014.The summer games are right around the corner, and the Marines are heading to Rio.To earn the title ‘Marine Officer,’ you must excel in leadership, academics and physical training. For one newly commissioned Marine Corps officer, not only did [...]

Marine Trivia Tuesday!

How well do you know the Corps? Some of these stories are common knowledge, others are a little more obscure, but all of them tell you something about the unique history and identity of the Marines.1. The first Marine to ever receive an honorary promotion was in a Stanley Kubrick movie.In Full Metal Jacket, actor [...]

5 Badass Quotes From Marine General James Mattis

We've all heard the quotes before. And we love him for giving zero fucks. But as much as we love him, there's many who don't understand what he says. He's been accused of intolerance, extremism, narrow-mindedness.Yeah, we know they're idiots. But for the times when you want to backhand someone talking smack about General Mattis [...]

“Santa to be Treated as Hostile Target This Christmas”- White...

Washington, D.C.- Today White House press secretary Jay Carney announced that the Obama administration has ordered all combat aircraft currently stationed CONUS to conduct air patrols on Christmas Eve. The target?According to Carney, “that politically incorrect monster, Santa Claus.”Carney went on to elaborate- “this is an administration that, maybe falls short on policy, but will never fall short on caring [...]