Collection: theenlistedclub

Marines host mentor event for Soldiers
Soldiers get to learn some skills from Marine mentorship event
"Those Faces Will Never Leave My Memory": Leatherneck4Life Team Member...
As Veteran's Day approaches, Springfield, Missouri's 417 Magazine wanted to acknowledge their local veterans.ย Their latest issue shares the experiences of four servicemen in their own words.ย Featured is Jeremy "Whitty" Whitworth, a Marine veteran and a member of our Leatherneck4Life family.ย Here, read Whitty's account of his time as a Marine in Baghdad in [...]
New MARSOC Insignia Causing Controversy
The Marines' new Raider insignia gives special operators street cred.I've read and heard concerns surrounding the new insignia for
Marine Corps special operations officers and enlisted personnel who have
successfully completed the Individual Training Course and become full
fledged members of Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command.
Marines and others should understand that every decision [...]
5 Badass Quotes From Marine General James Mattis
We've all heard the quotes before. And we love him for giving zero fucks. But as much as we love him, there's many who don't understand what he says. He's been accused of intolerance, extremism, narrow-mindedness.Yeah, we know they're idiots. But for the times when you want to backhand someone talking smack about General Mattis [...]
Infantry to Adopt M4 as Standard Assault Rifle
26 October, Marine Corps Base Quantico-
Commandant General Robert Neller has approved a proposal to replace
the M16A4 with the M4 carbine as the standard rifle issued to
infantrymen and security forces. The Corps now has until September 2016
to phase out all M16A4s.Responsible for the proposal for the
upgrade is Chris Woodburn, the deputy Maneuver Branch head for [...]
Corps to Preview Potential AMTRAC Replacement
By the end of 2020 the Marine Corps
will have a new chariot to deliver them to battle- after 43 years of
service, the AMTRAC is being replaced. The Modern Day Marine Expo in late
September has been chosen as the event where four of the five
potential applicants will be displayed for the Corps to see; the [...]