USMC Goes To Rio 2016!

Second Lieutenant David Higgins shoots his rifle in the World Championships in Granada, Spain, in September 2014.The summer games are right around the corner, and the Marines are heading to Rio.To earn the title ‘Marine Officer,’ you must excel in leadership, academics and physical training. For one newly commissioned Marine Corps officer, not only did [...]

Marine Trivia Tuesday!

How well do you know the Corps? Some of these stories are common knowledge, others are a little more obscure, but all of them tell you something about the unique history and identity of the Marines.1. The first Marine to ever receive an honorary promotion was in a Stanley Kubrick movie.In Full Metal Jacket, actor [...]

Fallen Marine Sgt. Honored at Warship Christening Ceremony

November 15, 2004, while conducting combat operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom Marine sergeant Rafael Peralta gave his life to protect his fellow Marines. Peralta, while engaged in close combat against insurgents in Fallujah during Operation Al Fajr saw a grenade thrown at his element and dove on top of it, saving the lives of his teammates. At [...]

Infantry to Adopt M4 as Standard Assault Rifle

26 October, Marine Corps Base Quantico- Commandant General Robert Neller has approved a proposal to replace the M16A4 with the M4 carbine as the standard rifle issued to infantrymen and security forces. The Corps now has until September 2016 to phase out all M16A4s.Responsible for the proposal for the upgrade is Chris Woodburn, the deputy Maneuver Branch head for [...]

Corps to Preview Potential AMTRAC Replacement

By the end of 2020 the Marine Corps will have a new chariot to deliver them to battle- after 43 years of service, the AMTRAC is being replaced. The Modern Day Marine Expo in late September has been chosen as the event where four of the five potential applicants will be displayed for the Corps to see; the [...]